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Mobile Phone User

Audience Data

Connect with audiences across multiple devices

ALPHA is home to our premium and brand safe inventory that leverages high quality data sources to ensure your creative and messaging is delivered to the right audience, at the right time, and in the right environment.

Target Audiences By

Apps on Device

Past Purchases





Cross Device Ad Placement


Connected TV


Facilitate Connections

With APEX brands can facilitate connections with diverse audiences across various devices.

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The ALPHA platform connects brands with premium brand-safe inventory across multiple devices

Leveraging partnerships with leading data companies

ALPHA ensures the precise delivery of your creative content and messaging to the appropriate audience, at optimal timings, and within a suitable environment

Connecting Brands with Audiences

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Premium Inventory Network

Advertising with APEX means connecting with brands across inventory that guarantees the secure and premium placement of your brand across mobile, desktop, and Connected TV. 



Connected TV

Attribution and Lift

Unlock new opportunities to optimize your strategies and reach new heights of success. With our attribution and brand lift models, your brand's journey is defined by insights and guided by transparency.
Leverage transparent insight models that help you see what's driving success and what adjustments need to be made along with the data-driven insights required to make informed decisions and shape your brand's trajectory.

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Learn more about in-app mobile advertising by industry

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